
Minggu, Desember 02, 2007


Have the most often discussed topic today and it's a good time for us to make good decicion to begin from the smalest thing. we have realized that disasters like flood and storm happened in almost all of the area caused by Global Warming. considering this bad impact there will be a conferention named United Nation Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) which will held in Bali in this mounth attended by 189 countries both agree and disagree by Kyoto Protocol , Oprah Showed the similar about what we gonna do best as a citizen to more reduce global warming and make around going green as well as we can. maybe it is not go wrong if i recommend you to watch a very good movie titled The Day After Tomorrow that descript us the worst impact of global warming. get started to reduce global warming with planting and recycling, off your refrigerator if not be used, biking and reduce to ride car or motorcycle caused polutions.



last middle night i watched movie that title "AIRPORT", while there was a comercial break, i wrote something important and basicly about my life, it were included several lesson about english and about my principles, what i have to do a day and continusly i try to obey the rules i had make for my self. i wrote my diet menu included the propotion of meal, since then i begin to try as well as i can to take just a little food, no sugar, less carbohydrate and fat, no snack, no fried, no msg/instant mie, more water, more fruits and vegetables....hmm....maybe i need to build my self convinction for working them out. to be discipline otomaticaly i must do everything on schedule and perfectly, i know it is so hard and i need to take away every attemptation, i have to change my personal character's from self convinction of fredom to considering both the benefit and harms, not easy as you realize...i wish all of this wouldn't be the same, completely i want to change...!!!in each single day i've new job to keep 5 english words in my head and i do that for all of my life, in a day i must get the spirit to keep up the strungle...most often i get it from tv.okay....it is the time to tell u the "airport" story, it was about plane crews who together made fligth from England to Rome safely and comfortly, the movie had package by 30th setting on england with unfortunately snow storm weather.the most attention show when realized that apparently there was a schizophrenia man bring the cage out with him contained a bom. all of the crew get very hard work to throw the bom out yet any victim, was assisted by grandma 70 years of age who got inside the plane as illegale and the plane had to do emergention landing back to england airport quickly. finally the bom maker throw out the plane a time as the bom was blowed and all of the passenger were completely safed. this movie had included unhonest relationship.9:06 01/12/2007


Les Miserable

last night i did not purpose wacthed a good movie, that movie was showed on rcti channel. first time i look the player i was impressed when the actor start up the show. i don't know who is he and what is the actor name, he was so cute and look wise, all of the story made me feel something...since that continusly i feel guilty to my self to lost my spare time for meanless things. the movies title was "Les Miserable" , told about very rich france guy that becaming a mayor in a town in france who filled his life to help many peoples. he had big factory which employed many workers, at his period he was so loyal and fair to everyone especialy to his worker, it was seem from his way to separated male and female workers in order to avoided violence to female workers. the problem in this story when an obsessed policeman came to got the truth about Mayor identity since he looked the Mayor helped an old worker press down a very weigth cart that made fracture the worker's backbone.the mayor help as a worker way, that was hold on basic of cart and push it up by his back, uncommonly he was looked strong like another male worker.that polliceman paid very close attention to everything about the Mayor and begun an expedition to got the proof. until the time the policeman realized that the Mayor was a prisoner punished to 20 years but had run away from the jail several years ago. the Mayor had falling in love with his own female workers who was fired because knowing that she was a whore. on the day when he had to be arrested he promised to bring the whore's daughter out with him and protected her after the whore died by her pneumonia. the Mayor decided to hide on the nun's place and worked as a broom on there for ten years. Time pass, france became very uncontroled by many movement from masses to make a republik country, and when they had to build new life uotside the church the polliceman found them altough they kept it quite. finally the polliceman kill his self and the mayor free likely get out from jail forever.
